"I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday."

Wish me luck I'm going to need it!

Sunday 4 April 2010

Video of race day (finally!)

Sorry for the delay everyone, again technology got the better of me and my brother had to save me from punching my laptop into oblivion...

Here is a video collective of footage my mum took of race day so there's a bit at the beginning, a bit of me running, then a bit of me telling the world how knackered I am at the end (apologies for the blunt answer I give my mum when she asks me how I'm feeling - at least I didn't swear!)

Enjoy these highlights of my day! Doesn't seem like 2 weeks ago! About time I put my trainers back on and went for a light jog, now Lent's over I don't want to gorge on chocolate and crisps and revert back to my old unfit ways.

So my sensible/healthy head is firmly screwed on and is staying strong (I want that bikini body for my Summer holiday!)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice video you have made Sarah! :)

    Atleast now you can officially say you have completed one 10k race, Wooot!

