Number 1
Get a training partner! Whether it is a relative, your dog or a friend make sure you get somebody else to run with! It really helps to spur you on to keep going!
Number 2
Eat well! Putting the right fuel in your tank matters! As my training fell during the Lent period I gave up eating chocolate and crisps and I was 4 pounds lighter for it and it helped me feel more alert instead of the usual sluggish feeling!
Eat plenty of carbs, fruit and veg and drink energy drinks whilst out running!
Number 3
Don’ t push too hard too soon! Ease yourself into the training schedule, don’t run 5 miles in the first week, make a training timetable by running every other day alternating speeds and distances!
Number 4
If you’re doing a big run then run for charity! There’s nothing like the feeling of helping others out, so get your friends, family, neighbours, uni housemates to sponsor you a couple of quid! It helps to keep you going on the day knowing that you’ve raised some cash! Running in fancy-dress gives you a buzz, and who cares how daft you look, laugh along with people and it will certainly get you noticed! You may even be lucky enough to get on TV/in the newspaper!
Me in fancy dress!

Number 5
Buy correct clothes/trainers. I made this fatal mistake to begin training in my manky old gym trainers in the back of my wardrobe. Go to a Sports shop, ask the staff to advise you on correct gear. Invest in a decent pair of running trainers your feet will thank you later!
My Puma Trainers!

Number 6
Positive thinking. It will get you far. Even when you feel like your muscles are bursting and your legs about to give way tell yourself ‘Go on I can do this, not far to go keep going!!’ Yes you will look crazy talking to yourself but who cares if it gets you across that finish line!
Number 7
Do speed training. Run as fast as you can for half a mile and continue doing this over your next few training sessions then when it comes to running at your normal pace again it will seem slower and your distance will increase!
Number 8
Look after number 1!
Injuries strike at any moment. Don’t push yourself too far that you cannot come back from, your body or sports therapist wont appreciate it! Listen to your body and take care of any injuries you are prone to getting!
Number 9
Warm up and cool down!
Before and after every race ensure that you stretch out your muscles or you’re at risk at not being able to walk the next day! Cooling down is slightly more important to remember, as it will stop the acid build up in your muscles after exercise
Doing cool down stretches after the 10k!
Number 10
Finally just ENJOY YOURSELF!
Enjoy running outside in the fresh air and feeling fitter and healthier.
Enjoy every moment of the race, honestly the crowds will inspire you to keep your feet going one in front of the other! Relax, talk to other people who are running too and imagine the satisfied feeling of crossing the finish line and getting a well deserved medal!
And don’t forget to smile at all the cameras!

So take my top tips, have fun and get running!
I feel inspired. Well done Sarah. I think you should keep blogging, i enjoy reading them xxx