After a very early start this morning to get to Lincoln in time I had plenty of time to question why on earth I was putting myself through a running race! The more I thought, more butterflies gathered in my stomach!
Usually I go to watch my dad at these sort of races and I always love the atmosphere of everyone cheering each other on, so to be a part of it was a good feeling. As soon as I got there and got changed into my wonderful tutu the adrenalin kicked in and I actually got very excited about running the race!
The bad thing is that we got there really really early so we had like 2 hours to kill - which I used to do a few stretches and look at the competition around (haha yeah competition who I'm kidding Miss 'I've never ran a 10k before!') - I was trying to look as professional as I could dressed in a multi-coloured tutu and and bright green vest top.
Standing on a Sunday morning next to my dad, who was wearing a fetching orange wig, 2women dressed as Mike and Sully from 'Monsters Inc' and a fat bloke dressed as Superman! It was a surreal moment I tell ya!
When the klaxon sounded, I began to get pumped up and excited that this is it, I'm here now and I best bloody finish!!
Running that 1st kilometre was honestly really amazing, with the crowd cheering me on and my legs feeling fresh I felt good and getting a bit cocky was like 'Yeah I can do this!!'
Then came the pain.
Every step from the 3k mark onwards HURT.LIKE.HELL
Weirdly no chest pain and I wasn't particularly tired. I began to get that funny pain, when pins and needles are beginning, in my foot that kept coming and going over the next 7k. Running/walking on my tiptoes helped ease the strange sensation but it didn't go away. It was very strange I've never been afflicted by this pain whilst training before.
And then my legs gave out. My calves were (and still are) in absolute agony. I've had a bit of mild muscle pain but this just takes the biscuit. Pain, Pain, PAIN!
I still battled through though and bless my dad he walked with me when I couldn't run anymore. I feel a bit guilty as he's an amazing runner and could have lapped me several times if he had gone on without me.
His encouraging words and getting the crowd to cheer me on really helped me. If I had run on my own I would have been on the 'Sweeper bus' definitely before the half way mark. So hats off to him for getting me through the tough hour and a half.
After my legs gave out, I got angry at myself, I even got a few disappointed tears in my eyes at the frustration at myself when I really wanted to run at least double what I actually managed to run. I felt like I had let myself down by letting my body win over my mind. In hind sight yes I should have done more training (I should have started last April seriously) to get me up to a comfortable jogging pace at least. Yes I finished the race but still I'm annoyed at myself for not achieving better. I'm hard on myself I always am as I like to strive to achieve the best who doesn't.
It was frankly embarrassing that I had to walk some of the distance. All the people on the sidelines cheering us on (shouting our names that I'd marker penned onto our t-shirts) were fantastic but I felt like I was cheating by walking a 'running race'. When an honestly inspiring elderly man pushing a disabled boy in a wheelchair over took me that's when I wanted to kick myself up the behind to get running. I felt like a right tool when other people were really pushing themselves but I really couldn't run anymore. My brain wanted me to continue but my stupid legs were having none of it! Frustrated is a clean word to describe myself during the race.
I had realistic expectations, I wasn't going to finish under the hour mark or come in the top 3 on the day, I knew that. I do have realistic aspirations honestly - but hey ho maybe next time, oh yes next time now seems like unobtainable, but I am determined to improve on that time!
The utter determination and honestly the bit of shame I felt today at running badly has pushed me back into fitness again. I haven't been deterred I want to run another race again and prove to myself that I CAN do it!
Anyway back to the race today - it seems like such a long time ago since I staggered round the course!
I was so determined to run the last little bit near Lincoln Castle at the finish point (as I knew there would be a big crowd there and if I'm honest I didn't want to embarrass myself by walking past them all) so I breathed in and ignored the throbbing pain in my legs and foot and I ran the last bit of the race. I'm so glad that I did, the reaction of the crowd and running towards the FINISH sign I was grinning from ear to ear literally! It may have looked more like a grimace but honestly I enjoyed that last little bit I really did!
The finish was amazing. Best feeling ever. Now I know why people run races! Just for the crossing over the finish line and the celebratory 'Well done' from everyone around. And of course the shiny MEDAL! You would not believe how thrilled I am to have a medal to my name, so much so that I'm going to wear it to my uni classes tomorrow. It's beautiful proof that I did complete the race! High 5 me please!

Now I'm going to be very honest with you all who are reading my blog. My finished time was pretty bad. I didn't even finish in the time that I initially wanted (damn my inadequate muscles) but I will tell you that I have improved since my 6.5k that I did 11 years ago (only just mind), I DIDN'T COME LAST!! In fact there were at least 50 odd people who finished after me! So it's taking me 11 years at a time to improve but I'm getting better just slowly!
Here's my running time (to save you time looking for it on the list - I am on there try one of the last pages)
The official time I ran/walked the Lincoln 10k in (that was recorded on my electronic tag thing on my shoe) was...1 hour and 33 minutes!
Please don't applaud me, that's a terrible time! But at least now the only way is down (?!) so next time I'm aiming for a much better time!
I've had my bath, after staggering up the stairs at home - it hurt a lot - and I keep stretching out my legs so that I am not completely seized up tomorrow!
Today's been really fun, as much as I have moaned and worried about the race, I did enjoy myself and I would do it all again - maybe after more training though next time! I would definitely recommend the Lincoln 10k to anybody to do, it's open to all abilities I think I proved that one today, but it's a good one for people who just want to wear silly fancy dress and just have a good time!
Some pictures and videos will be added from the event soon so keep your eyes out you certainly won't be able to miss the vibrant ones of me and my dad!
Aww.You're being too hard on yourself, you did really well! I was there cheering you on at the end. I must admit I was a bit worried at one point but you sprinted to the finish looking as fresh as a daisy! Well done on raising lots of dosh for Asthma UK. X
ReplyDeleteWell done dude!!! So proud of you!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust keep running, just keep running :D xx