And I had a whale of a time (geddit whale, water? Oh never mind!) Swimming has always been one of my favourite physical activities, I am a self confessed water baby and this morning I managed to swim 24 lengths of the pool which is about half a mile.
Panic as 24 lengths seemed so far and I was genuinely surprised to find out it was actually quite a short distance when compared to what I have been running. Remembering that I will be running 6.2 miles in under 3 weeks gave me a familiar sinking feeling. The butterflies have begun.
Your looking at the equivalant of around 300 lengths in a swimming pool to match the distance my poor legs are going to be put through.
Why didn't I chose to write a blog about swimming the channel or something, I could have totally done that! Well actually come to think about it, I adore swimming but not that much.
Running on dry land wearing warm clothes vs. Swimming across freezing choppy water with possibility of sharks/squid/jellyfish (Okay I know there isn't all of them in the English Channel but still...)- there's no competition really!
Anyway moving on from aquatic activities and back to the running! I now have my running number for the race how exciting! Lets hope that number 3490 is a lucky number for me!

I also now have a fetching green vest Asthma UK sent for me!

Knowing I'm raising some well deserved pennies for them is keeping me going! Time to plug my JustGiving page! Please sponsor me everyone even if it's just 10p!
Tomorrow is back to dry land training for me. I'm keeping up the swimming it can only improve my rubbish fitness levels which my body desperately needs a boost of!
Lets see if I can break the mile mark with zero injuries!
P.S. The title of this blog post: answers on a postcard please!
Its nice to see your still keeping up with the training, even though its becoming quite tough for you.
ReplyDeleteNice t shirt anyway, so everyone knows just who you are running for which you should be proud about. Lets hope with all the training you've done, it pays off on the day of run.
Hahaha hopefully the wings on the back of your top can help you fly! Keep going Wellie! You can be number 1!