"I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday."

Wish me luck I'm going to need it!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Feeling the burn!

My calves are killing me.

Pushing myself yesterday to run that half a mile more has taken it out of me. Usual places of ache - thighs, feet even bottom - are absolutely fine. It's just my lower legs that are feeling the burn.

Any tips to make sure troublesome calves don't stop me in my tracks? Better stretches maybe, comment me and help me out!

A woman pushing pension age even passed me on the library stairs as I crawled up them looking like a OAP with not enough pension to afford a Stannah stair lift.


Day off from training today then, although I don't know if this is wise with the race in (checks countdown) yep 11 days! Oh dear.

I've planned out the rest of the weeks worth of training though...

Swimming tomorrow
Running on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Sundays off (hurray!)

Also I have a new area to run in that is handily or stupidly a 3 mile loop and it means running on main roads which I don't like to do as it means people in cars are watching and that concept just freaks me out, makes me tense and generally loathe running all together.

Yes, yes I do know that the race in Lincoln is running on main roads and in front of thousands of people. But it's fine I will suck it up then and just 'Run, Forrest! Run!'

Also the new running route goes temptingly past a KFC and McDonald's. I'm like a donkey with a carrot dangling in front of my face. The prospect of a fast-food meal when the 10k is over is keeping me going!

Those 4 lbs I have lost since beginning running/not eating crisps and chocolate will be straight back on after eating just a kid's meal at Maccy's. It will be totally worth it though.


  1. Hi Sarah

    Keep away from KFC and MaccyD's - at least until the 21st!

    And just think - all those people watching you will be thinking how fit and slim you are!


  2. maccy ds after the race maybe
