Hang on actually what is 'Stitch' exactly? And I don't mean in sewing or knitting or the cute Disney character.

I mean the god-awful feeling that a part of your stomach is about to explode and you can't go on any further. Well that's how I feel anyway when i keep getting blighted by this weird phenomenon on my runs.
Now to get all medical to explain this problem that everyone has suffered with. It's pretty squeamish even I shuddered!
"Stitch is actually caused by the gut "tugging" on the ligaments connecting it to the diaphragm."
Gross isn't it, diaphragms being pushed beyond their limits and oh great there isn't a cure!
I only began getting stitch when I first began running, apparently this is normal for exercise newbies. It used to stop me in my tracks and it gave me something else to moan about when running - someone needs to give me a break.
But now I have been stitch free for two weeks when I go running (pause for clapping) as I found my own way of getting around the dreaded ailment.
My cure is not eating up to 3 hours before a run. This is difficult I know but it works honestly. I also drink plenty of water usually taking a gulp every 5 minutes when running (this is also to stop me passing out from lack of oxygen/food) and finally if I feel a stitch coming on I try 'Belly Breathing' (stop laughing!) inhaling whilst pushing out my stomach and when exhaling relaxing my stomach muscles.
There you go 3 easy steps to beat Stitch - I'm beginning to sound just like a fitness instructor - Rosemary Conley/Mr Motivator step aside!
dad says depends how fast we run or walk dont forget its the takin part that counts