"I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday."

Wish me luck I'm going to need it!

Saturday 6 March 2010

A runners breakfast?

Now with race day looming and to tie in with my previous post about Stitch and not being able to eat for up to 3 hours before running. The big question I'm putting to you is what do I do about food on race day?

The 10k begins at 11am, and obviously I will have to eat before so I don't collapse, but what should I be eating at 7.30/8am on that morning to give me enough energy to last right through till at least 1.30pm (when I hope to finish)?

Any one got any suggestions? Maybe porridge and banana? Cereal bars?

Let me know what you eat before a long day/exercise to give you that all important energy boost! I need as much energy as I can get to get round the course. Help me!

1 comment:

  1. bananas and a couple of sport drinks nothing too heavy
