"I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday."

Wish me luck I'm going to need it!

Thursday 18 March 2010

Tips on getting the best running form

With no actual running left to do until Sunday I thought I'd compile a check-list into Running Form from information and tips I have gathered from other runners over these last few months to get me through this 10k!

We all think we know how to run, it can't be that hard surely we have been moving our legs one after each other since we were knee-high to a grasshopper, but there are some rookie mistakes that we can make whilst training/running:


Let your heels make contact with the ground first when you're running. If your running long distances DO NOT run on your toes this is bad and you could damage your feet if you try to run too many miles on your tippy-toes.


When you are actually running, focus on a object in front of you (a tree/lamp-post/that other runners bottom...) and if the 'object' is moving up and down then apparently you are running too 'vertically' so you need to keep your feet in a straight position and keep your feet low to the ground. This will help stop all that bouncing (girls this advice is crucial, there's only so much a sports bra can do!)


Arms need to be relaxed and at 90 degree angles by your side (I expect accuracy so take protractor with you at all times) Relax your arms if you feel yourself getting tense - my favourite is too stretch them out by my side and shake them for 10 seconds to release the tension in my shoulders.


Even from the off when your breathing is ok and you're not struggling ALWAYS breathe through your mouth. It helps get more oxygen into the lungs.

A good tip is to make a pattern when you're breathing. One I use is Breath in in then out out (2 at a time baby yeah!) also breathing to music helps keep a steady rhythm so long as your music isn't Pendulum as you may cause self hyperventilation.


Finally is the posture pose. Gotta get this one right so we don't end up with bad backs/knee's or legs after a run. The Hunchback of Notre Dame look is not in this season so pay careful attention to this section.


It is vital that you keep your back straight whilst running. I know myself that the temptation to hunch over when you begin to tire is difficult to overcome, but running continually with a straightened back and with your chest slightly sticking out - it will make everything seem more comfortable and fill you with the confidence to finish the race with your head held high (no money back guarantee if this is not your winning formula for you, sorry!)

Give these few tips I have accumulated over my few months of training a go next time you're out on a run! None of these tips have been given to me by doctors - just experienced runners - so obviously they are not miraculous, they are just tips that have worked for me so of course they may not turn you into the next Paula Radcliffe but it's worth giving it a go - I will be on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tips. Will take note in case I decide to take up the sport!
