Well today's run was the worst to date. Woke up early, thought right I'm really going to push myself today and run as far as I can go. I even took some advice to take my Ventolin inhaler 15 minutes before running to make sure asthma didn't hold me back.
I tried honestly I did, even when I hit the pain barrier I carried on determined to further my running distance. I managed just over a mile before I had to stop. My legs felt fine, so did my feet. It came down too my troublesome chest again.
This is when I got angry and a bit upset with myself if I'm honest. I genuinely got tears in my eyes. Frustration came in waves of anger and I got very wound up. Looking like a psychotic, red faced loon is not a look that suits me.
Yes this sounds silly, I know it's only running but I'm a very proud person and failure is a word I don't want in my vocabulary. I don't want to let anyone down least of all myself on the day.
I know people keep saying who cares if you walk most the race, just take your time. But I can't I want to prove to myself that I am capable of completing something successfully.
To cool off (my mind and body) I decided to walk the mile lap of the lake and time myself just to see how long it may take if I have to walk some of the 10k. I walked a mile in 14 and a half minutes. This means I'm probably looking at the hour and a half mark of finishing the race if I walk and run.
I'm panicking that my body doesn't want me to do well. Maybe I need to swallow my pride a bit and just accept that where ever i finish on the day it doesn't matter.
I wish I wasn't so stubborn!
I'm really going to push these next three weeks though, I want to finish in a good time and I will.
Next time you see me looking miserable, say something nice to me or better still give me (a little) slap!
Off to drown my sorrows now with a lovely cup of tea. Could just do with a big bar of chocolate to accompany it...oh wait I gave that up for Lent didn't I boo. I'm a bit sadistic torturing myself like this aren't I?
Oh and to top off today's rubbish day of training I've got a small blister forming on the back of my foot. Great. Thank you very much new trainers!
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010
There's nothing a shiny medal can't fix
My dad has just reminded me of a scarring memory that I had obviously tried to block out...but I will bring back the emotional scars and tell it too you now.
When I was around 10 years old I entered our local Scouts annual fun run. They call it fun it most certainly was not for me! Runners run a course of around 6.5km around our village and I don't know what possessed me at the time to run but I signed up with my dad to give it a go.
I wasn't an overweight child, in fact I was as skinny as a twig, but I did have worse asthma then so I'm going to continue putting the blame on my lungs whilst I can.
I managed to run around one mile before having to stop (this all sounds eerily familiar to recent events doesn't it?) and that was it my body gave out. My dad tried to spur me on saying I could do it and finish the race. I was a stubborn child, 'I can't do it' must have moaned from my lips about 700 times. I'm surprised my dad had the tolerance to not throw me over his shoulder or leave me there at the side of the road so he could continue the race!
I walked the rest of the way running like a few metres at a time. It was awful. In fact I think i even cried at one point just for it to be over.
I felt like I was being tortured, I couldn't even use my mind over body to push myself. I gave up too easily.
Now comes the humiliating part...coming round to the last half a mile or so I got the daunting realisation that we were the last to finish. Usually around 150/200 people run this race and all my school friends were at the Gala where the race finished and I was there puffing and panting round a fairly simple course. How mortifying!
Once I found out I could be the last to finish, I begged my dad to run a bit behind me for the last couple of hundred metres just to hide my embarrassment. And bless his heart he did a fatherly thing and hung back letting me finish before him.
I don't know what was more humiliating - running past your friends and neighbours with them jeering and cheering for me - or knowing that I came second to last cross the finish line, my dignity saved by my dad.
At least I got a shiny medal for my effort and a well deserved hot dog.
Thank goodness my mum didn't film it. She spared my social embarrassment from developing any further into distinction.
The memory had faded but now it is unfortunately back with a vengeance in the forefront of my mind. Hopefully it will spur me on to do myself proud. There will be no hiding this time.
I have never ran a race since then though, 11 years later I hope I can fight my running demons and this traumatic memory and hopefully complete the race and not come last! With out getting too cocky, I'd like to think I can push myself further this time round and with there being around 4000 applicants in this race I'm hoping this gives me good stead of, I pray to God, not coming last!
I hope this re-stirred memory is not an omen of things to come.
Pray for me please.
When I was around 10 years old I entered our local Scouts annual fun run. They call it fun it most certainly was not for me! Runners run a course of around 6.5km around our village and I don't know what possessed me at the time to run but I signed up with my dad to give it a go.
I wasn't an overweight child, in fact I was as skinny as a twig, but I did have worse asthma then so I'm going to continue putting the blame on my lungs whilst I can.
I managed to run around one mile before having to stop (this all sounds eerily familiar to recent events doesn't it?) and that was it my body gave out. My dad tried to spur me on saying I could do it and finish the race. I was a stubborn child, 'I can't do it' must have moaned from my lips about 700 times. I'm surprised my dad had the tolerance to not throw me over his shoulder or leave me there at the side of the road so he could continue the race!
I walked the rest of the way running like a few metres at a time. It was awful. In fact I think i even cried at one point just for it to be over.
I felt like I was being tortured, I couldn't even use my mind over body to push myself. I gave up too easily.
Now comes the humiliating part...coming round to the last half a mile or so I got the daunting realisation that we were the last to finish. Usually around 150/200 people run this race and all my school friends were at the Gala where the race finished and I was there puffing and panting round a fairly simple course. How mortifying!
Once I found out I could be the last to finish, I begged my dad to run a bit behind me for the last couple of hundred metres just to hide my embarrassment. And bless his heart he did a fatherly thing and hung back letting me finish before him.
I don't know what was more humiliating - running past your friends and neighbours with them jeering and cheering for me - or knowing that I came second to last cross the finish line, my dignity saved by my dad.
At least I got a shiny medal for my effort and a well deserved hot dog.
Thank goodness my mum didn't film it. She spared my social embarrassment from developing any further into distinction.
The memory had faded but now it is unfortunately back with a vengeance in the forefront of my mind. Hopefully it will spur me on to do myself proud. There will be no hiding this time.
I have never ran a race since then though, 11 years later I hope I can fight my running demons and this traumatic memory and hopefully complete the race and not come last! With out getting too cocky, I'd like to think I can push myself further this time round and with there being around 4000 applicants in this race I'm hoping this gives me good stead of, I pray to God, not coming last!
I hope this re-stirred memory is not an omen of things to come.
Pray for me please.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Rain, Rick Astley, Running - just another day of training!
Rain is not my friend. Neither are pigeons or teenage chavs, but we won't go into that today.
I defied all weather reports I half heard on the radio this morning saying to stay inside if possible as it's going to be a cold miserable day. Well they weren't wrong there but instead of hanging up my trainers for today, I battled it out in the rain to run one mile round the lake instead, (just one mile, aren't you running a 10k in 3 weeks I hear you say? My edited reply is; 'I don't care you try it in the rain!')and got absolutely drenched in the process.
I think this photo reflects my mood perfectly

Numb face + wet clothes = bad day of training
I sensibly did wear a hat, gloves and my brand new trainers though(they feel like running on air! see picture below) but then realised I forgot my beloved iPod.

This ensued with me singing Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (I have no idea why this 80's tune was in my head, it's catchy though and I bet you're humming it now) and saying 'Good morning' to every duck I passed on the bank of the lake.
It kept me amused anyway. Westport Lake is a very quiet place to run, especially on a dreary rainy February morning but Astley and common courteous got me through.
Have I reached an insane point yet? Has the frequency of running alone inflicted on my mental health? The Jury is out...
I defied all weather reports I half heard on the radio this morning saying to stay inside if possible as it's going to be a cold miserable day. Well they weren't wrong there but instead of hanging up my trainers for today, I battled it out in the rain to run one mile round the lake instead, (just one mile, aren't you running a 10k in 3 weeks I hear you say? My edited reply is; 'I don't care you try it in the rain!')and got absolutely drenched in the process.
I think this photo reflects my mood perfectly

Numb face + wet clothes = bad day of training
I sensibly did wear a hat, gloves and my brand new trainers though(they feel like running on air! see picture below) but then realised I forgot my beloved iPod.

This ensued with me singing Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (I have no idea why this 80's tune was in my head, it's catchy though and I bet you're humming it now) and saying 'Good morning' to every duck I passed on the bank of the lake.
It kept me amused anyway. Westport Lake is a very quiet place to run, especially on a dreary rainy February morning but Astley and common courteous got me through.
Have I reached an insane point yet? Has the frequency of running alone inflicted on my mental health? The Jury is out...
You've got to be kidding right?
Flicking through a magazine I found abandoned in my bedroom under a big pile of clothes, I came across something that honestly horrified me when I read it. So much so that now I'm scared of running in case this happens to me. Horrendous, disgusting are just a few words to describe it.
I've heard of pretty rough injuries that runners can get - the blisters, runner's knee, muscles tears and strains the typical injuries you would associate with running. I've even prepared myself for 'jogger's nipple' even this doesn't scare me anymore - I'm now the owner of a unsightly sports bra (don't laugh its hideous.)
But this that i found is most definitely the worse thing that could possibly happen on race day to me...

Runners' diarrhoea
Cue major freak out by me as Sod's law is bound to put me in the 20-50 % of runners who are 'troubled' with this problem. I'm now making sure I don't eat 3 hours before I run and I will invest in some 'Rennie', pronto.
If I happen to be struck by this messy mishap then;
a) I won't be telling any of you...
and b) My relationship with running will be over. Finito.
I've heard of pretty rough injuries that runners can get - the blisters, runner's knee, muscles tears and strains the typical injuries you would associate with running. I've even prepared myself for 'jogger's nipple' even this doesn't scare me anymore - I'm now the owner of a unsightly sports bra (don't laugh its hideous.)
But this that i found is most definitely the worse thing that could possibly happen on race day to me...

Runners' diarrhoea
Cue major freak out by me as Sod's law is bound to put me in the 20-50 % of runners who are 'troubled' with this problem. I'm now making sure I don't eat 3 hours before I run and I will invest in some 'Rennie', pronto.
If I happen to be struck by this messy mishap then;
a) I won't be telling any of you...
and b) My relationship with running will be over. Finito.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Songs to keep me running!
I need to compile a list of great songs to run too! I've already had suggestions of the Rocky theme and personal favourites of mine are Florence and The Machine, Paramore, Ke$ha and Ellie Goulding's 'Starry eyed' a track she apparently penned to help her keep going whilst out on a run...so it should help right?
Any other suggestions would be appreciated so I can create a play list for the big day to allow me to sing through the pain! Power ballads, rock classics, cheesy sing-a-long pop music, anything will do as long as it has a good beat for me to pound the streets too!
Any other suggestions would be appreciated so I can create a play list for the big day to allow me to sing through the pain! Power ballads, rock classics, cheesy sing-a-long pop music, anything will do as long as it has a good beat for me to pound the streets too!
"It's just the way you run is a little...crazy!"
A quick video to prove that I have actually been running! Enjoy my 'Phoebe from Friends' running style at the end. Everyone should definitely try it, I'm not sure it helped but it gave onlookers something to laugh at. Running the whole 10K that way I'm not so sure..."Didn't you even run so fast you thought your legs were gonna fall off, you know, like when you were running towards the swings or running away from Satan?...(Rachel looks confused)... "The neighbour's dog." Phoebe (Friends series 6)
Monday, 22 February 2010
Reach the impossible dream
4 weeks till race day, okay now I'm panicking!
I’m panicking because I really don’t want to have to walk most of the race! I would be so embarrassed honestly. I am the most determined runner ever – shame my body doesn’t feel the same way - silly asthmatic lungs.
My vital inhalers to get me through the 10k!

If anyone with asthma has any tips to help me get over the initial one mile, tight chest milestone then please comment to help me! I know it's not all the asthma's fault my general unfitness is definitely to blame too but I'm working on it slowly...
Back to today's run and the running itself is not actually as daunting as it used to be, oh gosh I think I may actually be enjoying it!
This mornings jog was rather lovely but bluming freezing! I have begun this strange social thing – something that I don’t even do during the day to strangers in the street – for some reason the trainers on my feet have turned me into a very friendly person. Everyone I pass whether it be an elderly couple/mum with child/ the ducks on the path I say ‘Hello!’ and smile like a slightly crazy woman. I'm pretty sure it looks more of a grimace as I battle with the pain in my legs/chest/feet!

Running has become my happiness drug! Apparently it's called a 'Runner's high' but I have definitely not got to this running point of euphoria just yet! Let the Endorphins keep flowing though, it's only going to help!
Thankyou God for the weather we are having, it is NOT helping me at all! Why oh why did I choose to begin running in FEBRUARY possibly one of the coldest months of the year!
I still braved the cold wintry weather for a light jog round the lake this morning but my was it nippy! The lake had actually froze. That's how damn cold it was! I nearly ended up ice-skating on the lake after a skid on a patch of ice. Maybe running on ice was not the best idea I've had to date but I like to think it shows my utter determination to train my way to the 10K. I must remember to take a hat with me next time, a good friend told me to always wear a hat whilst running and who am I to criticise? My head certainly felt like it was missing out on vital warmth on the morning run!

Back home for a few days this week where my dad (training partner and loving father) will be giving me some tips and taking me out for some much needed power training!
My dad loves running. Some even would say he's a fanatic. One thing I know is that he's bloody good and fast! He goes for 10K runs every Sunday with our dog and actually enjoys it as a hobby. I'm strangely beginning to see why he enjoys it, y'know the fresh air, exercise and freedom. Who knows I may even keep the running up even after the race is over...
Who I'm kidding I don't love it that much... yet
I’m panicking because I really don’t want to have to walk most of the race! I would be so embarrassed honestly. I am the most determined runner ever – shame my body doesn’t feel the same way - silly asthmatic lungs.
My vital inhalers to get me through the 10k!

If anyone with asthma has any tips to help me get over the initial one mile, tight chest milestone then please comment to help me! I know it's not all the asthma's fault my general unfitness is definitely to blame too but I'm working on it slowly...
Back to today's run and the running itself is not actually as daunting as it used to be, oh gosh I think I may actually be enjoying it!
This mornings jog was rather lovely but bluming freezing! I have begun this strange social thing – something that I don’t even do during the day to strangers in the street – for some reason the trainers on my feet have turned me into a very friendly person. Everyone I pass whether it be an elderly couple/mum with child/ the ducks on the path I say ‘Hello!’ and smile like a slightly crazy woman. I'm pretty sure it looks more of a grimace as I battle with the pain in my legs/chest/feet!

Running has become my happiness drug! Apparently it's called a 'Runner's high' but I have definitely not got to this running point of euphoria just yet! Let the Endorphins keep flowing though, it's only going to help!
Thankyou God for the weather we are having, it is NOT helping me at all! Why oh why did I choose to begin running in FEBRUARY possibly one of the coldest months of the year!
I still braved the cold wintry weather for a light jog round the lake this morning but my was it nippy! The lake had actually froze. That's how damn cold it was! I nearly ended up ice-skating on the lake after a skid on a patch of ice. Maybe running on ice was not the best idea I've had to date but I like to think it shows my utter determination to train my way to the 10K. I must remember to take a hat with me next time, a good friend told me to always wear a hat whilst running and who am I to criticise? My head certainly felt like it was missing out on vital warmth on the morning run!

Back home for a few days this week where my dad (training partner and loving father) will be giving me some tips and taking me out for some much needed power training!
My dad loves running. Some even would say he's a fanatic. One thing I know is that he's bloody good and fast! He goes for 10K runs every Sunday with our dog and actually enjoys it as a hobby. I'm strangely beginning to see why he enjoys it, y'know the fresh air, exercise and freedom. Who knows I may even keep the running up even after the race is over...
Who I'm kidding I don't love it that much... yet
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Something's gotta give...
Two days into Lent and I have not touched any crisps or chocolate like I vowed! I think I may be going through some sort of early-twenties life crisis! Taking up running then giving up two of my favourite things in the world! Insanity doesn't even compare.
Third day of running today as well and I ran the furthest I have ran to date, okay it was still only about a mile and I had to stop twice for fear of collapsing but still I'm improving. Having the ability to run one mile out of six is good right?
My new favourite place to run is Westport Lake (about 10 minutes down the road from Stoke) as it's lovely and quiet and I haven't had anyone shouting distasteful comments at me...yet! I also enjoyed seeing a squirrel and a robin whilst running today so much so that I went all touristy and took photos! I actually found real wildlife in Stoke-on-Trent!

Click here for more info on Westport Lake
The lake has around a mile circumference so is perfect for me to guesstimate how far I can run so far! The only thing I have to contend with is the geese and pigeons - those of you who know me well know of my irrational fear of both these birds. Running past them makes them even more jittery causing squeals of panic from me in a pitch that I'm sure only dogs can hear. But I'm not going to let those pesky birds stop me from running, I just stick my Ipod in and sing loudly at them to scare them off! Sarah 1 - Birds 0
Plus side of today, is that I have now chosen which charity to run for, one that is particularly close to my heart - or lungs I guess - is Asthma UK! I figured that a charity may as well benefit from my struggles! I have set up a JustGiving page for anyone to donate anything from 10p to £10. It will be great for me at the end of the race to have a good chunk of money to hand to the charity to go alongside my aching feet and muscles!
Third day of running today as well and I ran the furthest I have ran to date, okay it was still only about a mile and I had to stop twice for fear of collapsing but still I'm improving. Having the ability to run one mile out of six is good right?
My new favourite place to run is Westport Lake (about 10 minutes down the road from Stoke) as it's lovely and quiet and I haven't had anyone shouting distasteful comments at me...yet! I also enjoyed seeing a squirrel and a robin whilst running today so much so that I went all touristy and took photos! I actually found real wildlife in Stoke-on-Trent!

Click here for more info on Westport Lake
The lake has around a mile circumference so is perfect for me to guesstimate how far I can run so far! The only thing I have to contend with is the geese and pigeons - those of you who know me well know of my irrational fear of both these birds. Running past them makes them even more jittery causing squeals of panic from me in a pitch that I'm sure only dogs can hear. But I'm not going to let those pesky birds stop me from running, I just stick my Ipod in and sing loudly at them to scare them off! Sarah 1 - Birds 0
Plus side of today, is that I have now chosen which charity to run for, one that is particularly close to my heart - or lungs I guess - is Asthma UK! I figured that a charity may as well benefit from my struggles! I have set up a JustGiving page for anyone to donate anything from 10p to £10. It will be great for me at the end of the race to have a good chunk of money to hand to the charity to go alongside my aching feet and muscles!
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Dodgy looks and achey joints
First day of training and I can honestly say that running is most definitely NOT my hidden forte. It hurts. I got funny looks and dodgy comments thrown my way whilst running through the park, and to say I'm unfit is a UNDERSTATEMENT! I managed around 1/2 mile around Hanley Park (ok I'm probably lying it was more like 300 metres) before I felt like I had been drop kicked in the chest by an angry athlete. I'm still going to play the asthma card a little while longer, to conceal my lack of fitness. You never know it might win me the sympathy vote when I finish the 10K in 7 hours 49 minutes, crawling across the finish line or worse carried across in a stretcher.
No. I need to remain positive, I will complete the race!
Is it too late to back out?
No. I need to remain positive, I will complete the race!
Is it too late to back out?
Welcome to the warped world of running and Sarah put together!
Welcome everyone to my very own blog! Thankyou everyone for following, hopefully you will get some laughs out of reading about my troubles whilst I painfully learn 'how to run' and have a good chuckle at the videos of my training! I'm planning on running for a charity as someone deserves to get something out of my misery of pounding the streets on cold February afternoons, so sponsors will be greatly appreciated (details will be put on here later this week on the charity and how to donate)
Videos and pictures to be uploaded shortly so keep an eye out!
"I run so my goals in life will continue to get bigger instead of my belly."
- Motivation from a slightly overweight runner
Oh so true!
Videos and pictures to be uploaded shortly so keep an eye out!
"I run so my goals in life will continue to get bigger instead of my belly."
- Motivation from a slightly overweight runner
Oh so true!
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