I’m panicking because I really don’t want to have to walk most of the race! I would be so embarrassed honestly. I am the most determined runner ever – shame my body doesn’t feel the same way - silly asthmatic lungs.
My vital inhalers to get me through the 10k!

If anyone with asthma has any tips to help me get over the initial one mile, tight chest milestone then please comment to help me! I know it's not all the asthma's fault my general unfitness is definitely to blame too but I'm working on it slowly...
Back to today's run and the running itself is not actually as daunting as it used to be, oh gosh I think I may actually be enjoying it!
This mornings jog was rather lovely but bluming freezing! I have begun this strange social thing – something that I don’t even do during the day to strangers in the street – for some reason the trainers on my feet have turned me into a very friendly person. Everyone I pass whether it be an elderly couple/mum with child/ the ducks on the path I say ‘Hello!’ and smile like a slightly crazy woman. I'm pretty sure it looks more of a grimace as I battle with the pain in my legs/chest/feet!

Running has become my happiness drug! Apparently it's called a 'Runner's high' but I have definitely not got to this running point of euphoria just yet! Let the Endorphins keep flowing though, it's only going to help!
Thankyou God for the weather we are having, it is NOT helping me at all! Why oh why did I choose to begin running in FEBRUARY possibly one of the coldest months of the year!
I still braved the cold wintry weather for a light jog round the lake this morning but my was it nippy! The lake had actually froze. That's how damn cold it was! I nearly ended up ice-skating on the lake after a skid on a patch of ice. Maybe running on ice was not the best idea I've had to date but I like to think it shows my utter determination to train my way to the 10K. I must remember to take a hat with me next time, a good friend told me to always wear a hat whilst running and who am I to criticise? My head certainly felt like it was missing out on vital warmth on the morning run!

Back home for a few days this week where my dad (training partner and loving father) will be giving me some tips and taking me out for some much needed power training!
My dad loves running. Some even would say he's a fanatic. One thing I know is that he's bloody good and fast! He goes for 10K runs every Sunday with our dog and actually enjoys it as a hobby. I'm strangely beginning to see why he enjoys it, y'know the fresh air, exercise and freedom. Who knows I may even keep the running up even after the race is over...
Who I'm kidding I don't love it that much... yet
Dad calls it fun!!