"I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday."

Wish me luck I'm going to need it!

Friday 19 March 2010

Pre-race Jitters!

Oh gosh the countdown now says under 2 days left to go!

I've dug out my leg warmers and got my tutu all preened so I'm ready to go! I am wearing more than just that sorry to disappoint...

My final preparations are in place and one last read of the scary race information - which I probably should have read properly sooner than 2 days before - the nerves are kicking in!

I've seen the weather and apparently it is expected to be sunny with a bit of cloud tomorrow! Perfect running weather, fantastic!

Hopefully this means I will finish in under two and a half hours - which I read in the leaflet is how long the race people give you until to finish before they re-open the roads. Then you run the risk of embarrassingly blocking the road, allowing lots of angry motorists to tell you to "Get the hell out of the road (insert derogatory term here)"

Lets hope this does NOT happen (not to me anyway!)

I still can't believe that I, Sarah, one of the most unfit people ever is running a whole 6 and a bit miles on Sunday. It's insane - I wasn't even forced I CHOSE to do this!!

I've surprised myself at keeping up training and not backing out! My own self-motivation is usually really poor - yes I am always that person working right up until a deadline when I promised myself to have everything done by at least a month before! I will never learn.

But maybe this will be a new learning curve for me (to get all philosophical) and hopefully after Sunday - if I finish, it's still questionable - it will prove to me that I can do things I never expected myself to do!

Last year I got on a plane from France back to London on my very own when I really thought I wouldn't be able to do it without getting lost somewhere in the Channel. Maybe I'm going to become the 'Yes Girl' - Jim Carrey film move aside cos I may be living proof that 'One word can change everything'

Anyway I digress - Jim Carrey films?! Sorry! - I'm just extremely excited (at the prospect of eating a McDonald's?) that my brain isn't functioning adequately!

Also to end on a 'Runners High' (see what I did there!) there is absolutely fantastic news.

Today I reached my £100 fund raising target for Asthma UK - I'm so glad that I got there and before Sunday too. I'm pleased a charity will now definitely benefit from my struggles, this makes me feel good!

Have I done my good deed for the year yet do you think?

Any tips for Saturday for me to calm my nerves and prepare for the 10k slog on Sunday please comment and help me out!

1 comment:

  1. Yuo've done so well raising that ammount of cash! Well done.
